About Us
Pro Audio Superstore is owned and operated by Audio Acoustics, Inc. We are proud to have been one of the first outlets for professional sound equipment on the Internet and today we remain your one-stop destination for all of your professional sound and audio equipment.
What makes ProAudioSuperstore.com different you ask? Well, instead of offering you every single product in the industry, we have narrowed our selection down to what works, and works well. We know, it's the same equipment we install on our jobs. So when you talk to someone at ProAudioSuperstore.com you'll be talking to an audio professional, not just an order taker. Many of our products offer free shipping too!
No matter your needs, no matter your skill level, we'll help you find the right gear. Need a professional solution, but don't have experience to design a solution from the ground up? We get it. You have your skill sets and we have ours. That's why we have done our best to remove the guess work from buying. We offer Complete Office PA Systems and Professional Audio Packages designed to take the guess work out of buying and get you up and running quickly. Need something more specific, check out our Custom Built PA Systems.
We have been in business for over 50 years as a sound contractor in Missouri. We buy pro audio sound equipment in bulk so we can pass on low, low prices to you. We are close to practically everyone, our vendors and customers alike, and that saves you money on freight expenses too.
If you have questions about anything we carry or anything related to your professional sound needs, please, do not hesitate to contact us for assistance. For a complete list of the companies we represent, click here.
And THANK YOU for shopping at ProAudioSuperstore.com!